TV shows based on teenage experiences are my little guilty pleasure. As I sit here now, I am watching a re-run of Gilmore Girls. I laugh at myself because sometimes I think I'm way too old to be enjoying shows like this. Yet I can't help but get pulled into the lives of these fictious teens.
When I was in highschool I loved 90210. But I was their age (atleast their character's age). Even as I got older I still watched the show until the very last episode. And I adored the short-lived My So Called Life. And then there was Party of Five as well (which is probably one of the few just never got into) Then the WB came along and brought us a string teen programming....Felicity...Dawson's Creek...Seventh Heaven....Gilmore Girls and the summertime spin off Young Americans.
Dawson's Creek was, and still is, one of my all-time favorite shows. Once a week, for about an hour, I was pulled into the lives of Dawson, Joey, Pacey and the gang and my world stopped. I loved watching their awkwardness, their friendships, and their sticky situations (as all teenagers are prone to finding themselves in). I adored the storylines and the music that was features on the show (you'll hear a few songs if you hang around here long enough). I cried during the season finale and was very sad when the show went off the air.
Now these types of shows are becoming more popular again. The controversial teenage lives on Gossip Girl have me completely hooked! Just last week I started watching The Secret Life of The American Teenager. And I can't believe they are reviving 90210 (although I am still doubtful it will be as good as the original). But even now, in my 30's, I'm just as hooked as ever. I haven't quite figured out why. Maybe I'll dive into that part of my pscyhe another night.
I loved my so called life. It was only on for a brief time but I never missed an episode.
oh I LOVED Gilmore girls and totally watch reruns all the time.
I came by for the bloggy giveaway and found myself giggling at the thought of another woman in her 30s who loves these shows as much as I do! Dawson's Creek is totally my favorite. I'm really not sure how many times I've watched each episode. Seasons 3 and 4 were my favorite by far. I can still identify actors and actresses who may have had a one day gig on the creek...sad I know! Imagine my heartbreak when Katie Holmes married Tom Cruise! Somewhere deap in my being I know she is meant to end up with Joshua Jackson. Sigh...I really am a grown up, I promise! =) I have really fallen in love with the Secret lives of American Teenagers and am a total One Tree Hill addict. Just glad to know I'm not alone!
Gilmore Girls as such a good show. It was one of those shows that I had to make sure I was home to see....Glad to here I wasn't the only one that also had 90210 & Dawsons Creek as guilty pleasures.
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