One of my biggest pet peeves is people who shirk their responsibilities and dump their pets as if they were a piece of used furniture. In my mind, there is not a single good reason to give up a pet. Your dog, cat, ferret, bunny, etc is a living, breathing being that relies solely on you for their care. It is no different than a child. Would you give away a child because you couldn't be bothered any longer? Or were moving? Or because it didn't get along with your other children? Or because it had special needs? There are solutions for so many reasons why people give up their animals. People today are just too lazy to find them or to help deal with the problem. You give me a problem and I'll find you a solution!
I wasn't always like this, I will admitt. It started last year when we got our first dog, Allie. Allie was dumped on the side of the interstate at a mere 4 weeks old and left there to die. When she and her brother were found together, they were emaciated, covered in fleas and probably just days, if not hours, away from death. It broke my heart that someone would actually do this to my sweet little girl!

Afterwards, I got involved with a group of young women who are slowly making a difference. We don't have an official organization or a group name. We started from a message board on The Nest. On this board are women, about my age, who take time out of their busy lives to coordinate and do transports all over the country for various shelters and rescues, who spend money out of their own pocket for foster care and sheltering of animals without a home, and who make the time to put together various fundraisers and care packages for animals in need.
It is amazing what I have learned from these women. I have learned about good pet nutrition. I have learned about the difference between a reputable breeder and back yard breeder (byb)/puppymills. I have learned that pitbulls are not the mean & nasty dogs they have gotten the reputation for. I have learned that there are thousands and thousands of animals put down in shelters every day because of irresponsible and stupid people.
I have started to try to make a difference myself. I volunteer for the local Humane Society as often as possible. I donate to the SPCA and participate in events they have, with the dogs, around the Tampa area. I also donate to fundraisers from the above mentioned message board as often as possible. DH & I adopted another dog from the county shelter in March....who was dumped as a 6 month old puppy because "he was becoming destructive". He's a puppy for crying out loud...a Lab puppy no less!
I'll step off my soap box now. I'm sure this will be a topic that comes up often. So I will leave you with the post that prompted it.
A Shelter's perspective:
I took in your cat today. The cat you swore up and down you would love forever when we gave her to you and five months later you bring her back.
I took in your cat today. The one that you declawed and then forced to stay outside when he wasn't "cute" anymore. The one you spray painted pink. The one who reminded me so much of my own cat that I teared up until the tech took pity on me and told me we could keep him. The one you refused to pay a surrender fee for to go towards his care. We cleaned him up, petted him and brushed him and pampered him and he's going to go to someone who will know what a handsome big lover boy he is and you will be poorer for his loss.
I took in your puppy today. The puppy who has nothing wrong with him, is happy and healthy and adorable, but that you gave up on because you don't think your kids are taking care of him and heaven forbid you do it and you want to teach them a lesson with a living creature. You don't deserve him and I'll make sure that he goes to someone who does. You are a terrible mother to set such an example for your children, for teaching them that lives are disposable.
I took in your dog today. The one who loved you for seven years that you don't feel like taking care of anymore. The one with aches in his hips and itches in his skin who should have grown old in his home with the family he loved. He was put down five minutes after you left, his last minutes spent with the smell of fear and death in a strange place without his mommy.
I took in your dog today. I told you that if you left him with me he'd be put down because we are over our limit and had no cage for him and even if we weren't, he had contagious mange and we wouldn't be able to keep him. You said you understood, but were leaving him anyway. You had the brass balls to call me five hours later and say you wanted your dog back. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I told you what would happen and you left him anyway you heartless jerk.
I took in your dog today. The dog you "couldn't" keep because you were moving to a place that doesn't allow dogs. Why the hell didn't you check before you signed a lease?? There are thousands of places that take pets. Even after I told you that only 30% of the animals that come in go out again, you didn't relent. You paid the $25 fee to unload a living being and left to move unencumbered.
I took in your dog today. And her puppies. And her mate. And you refused to pay a surrender fee, despite your Nordstrom scarf loudly declaring that you could afford it. I hope your karma comes back to you very soon.
I took in your ferret today. We put her down with dignity and kindness and put aside the ashes for you. She's not suffering anymore, so you can grieve in peace. When you're ready, please come back so we can find a new pet for you to love.
I took in your dog today. You brought him in to be put down, but he died in your arms before we could check him in. I've never seen an animal die before and the memory of your dog dying will be forever etched in my mind.
I sent you home with a dog today. Despite her issues which her owners surrendered her to us for, you fell in love with her and couldn't leave her and will work with her until she gets it right. Bless you for taking her, she was my favorite.
I sent you home with a dog today. He's older than any of our other dogs, turned out of his home after eight years. He was lost and confused and bayed in his kennel all day, everyday. Until you came to take him, he was bewildered and sad, but going out to the car with you, he jumped and trotted in excitement. You are kind and generous souls and his love will more than repay you.
I sent you home with a dog today. You gave her a third chance and I hope this one is a charm. She really doesn't like it here and I hope she doesn't have to come back. Take care of her, she's a lovely little soul.
I sent you home with a cat today. I'm so sorry that your past cat died so suddenly and badly, but thank you for coming in and opening your heart to a new one. She will help you heal and you will help her get over having such a hard start in life.
Live up to your responsibilities - these are, living, breathing, feeling creatures that you took responsibility for when you assumed ownership. Deciding that they are no longer convenient and dumping them at a shelter is selfish and uncaring and shows your lack of character. Shelters are for people who have no other options; they have lost their jobs, their homes, are ill; not for those who are simply too lazy to try and do right by their pets and find them new homes or work to keep them. For those of you who adopt, bless you. Your help, support and loving homes are invaluable for those of us who continue to fight for the animals.
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